Exploring Enneagram 5 (The Observer)
Here's the first episode in our new and (hopefully!) improved format!
This is a mini teaching episode exploring Type 5 in preparation for our interview with Brandon Hill aka @HowdyBrandon that will drop next week.
We dive into the 5's Habit of Attention, Habit of Emotion, and Somatic Energy as well as how those can be transformed into their Higher Idea, Virtue, and Uninhibited Life Force. We also bring up a few points about 5's that you can look out for in the interview.
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If you want to learn more about me and what I do, check out my website here: www.abirobinsyoga.com And if you want to be the first to know what's up with me and when new episodes drop, sign up for my email list here: https://www.abirobinsyoga.com/email-signup
I just launched an Enneagram specific Instagram and Twitter, so be sure to connect with me on my new social medias!