Of Stories and Systems with Brandon Hill (Enneagram 5)


Today I sit down with my good friend Brandon Hill to talk about his journey with faith, identity, and being an Enneagram 5. 

Brandon Hill... storyteller, photographer. Grew up evangelical, son of a pastor. Learning about my Enneagram type led to deconstruction - and then rebuilding - of my faith. Working on some storytelling projects to help others examine their meta-story/worldview.  Social stuff is always @howdybrandon / website: www.howdybrandon.com

Look! You can support me on Patreon! www.patreon.com/consciousconstruction

If you want to learn more about me and what I do, check out my website here: www.abirobinsyoga.com And if you want to be the first to know what's up with me and when new episodes drop, sign up for my email list here: https://www.abirobinsyoga.com/email-signup

I just launched an Enneagram specific Instagram and Twitter, so be sure to connect with me on my new social medias!


Abi Robins