Abi Robins
Abi Robins (they/them) is a trained Enneagram Teacher who studied with Helen Palmer, Marion Gilbert, Peter O’Hanrahan and others through The Narrative Enneagram in Menlo Park, CA. Robins is also a CIAYT Yoga Therapist (intern) with the International Association of Yoga Therapists and studied at Yoga Yoga in Austin, TX.
Abi’s teaching combines the deep and transformative insight of the Enneagram with the holistic and down to earth practices of Yoga Therapy. Robins seeks to share these two powerful systems to help people better understand themselves and those around them and live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.
The Story
Abi began the practice of yoga in Siloam Springs, AR during a deeply challenging time of their life. After a move from Denver, CO to a small town in Arkansas in the midst of navigating coming out as queer in a seemingly hostile environment, yoga was a lifeboat for Robins. The practice not only provided a sense of grounding and space to explore their new relationship with their body, it also provided Abi with a community.
It was in this community only weeks after starting their practice that Abi was introduced to the Enneagram. Being in such a raw and vulnerable space, it was easy for Abi to identify their type and resonated deeply with the teaching. Robins dabbled with a few books and audio teachings for the next year, but their journey with the Enneagram exploded into the forefront of their life when they moved to Austin, TX and became a member of The Church of Conscious Harmony.
There Robins took classes on the Enneagram of personality and also became a student of the Gurdjieff work, all the while honing their personal yoga practice and teaching skills. In 2016 Abi applied to the Yoga Therapy program at Yoga Yoga in Austin, TX where they learned how to adapt practices to individual client needs and took a deep dive into the history and philosophy of yogic thought. Abi is currently a student in the lineage of DKV Desikachar via Chase Bossart and Amanda Green.
In the summer of 2018, Abi took their understanding of the Enneagram to the next level by undergoing the process of becoming a certified Enneagram Teacher and Practitioner with The Narrative Enneagram.
What’s Next
The study of Yoga and the Enneagram have never been separate for Abi, using their practice to work directly with what they were learning about themselves was simply second nature. At the prodding of their partner, Robins began teaching this approach in 2017. Since then, Abi has taught classes and workshops across the country and launched a podcast that has been downloaded all over the world.
Robins is now working in establish themselves and their work in both the Enneagram and Yoga communities as a bridge from information to transformation. They are currently offering an expanded teaching schedule and continue to host their podcast, Conscious Construction. As their work expands, Robins plans to publish a book on their work in 2020.
As a queer, non-binary Enneagram teacher and Yoga Therapist, Robins is also working tirelessly to bring quality teaching in both areas to the queer community. Abi seeks to empower sexual and gender minorities with self-understanding, self-compassion and embodied practices to heal from the trauma inherent in existing on the margins. Robins also hopes to educate other Yoga and Enneagram teachers on how to best serve the queer community through their own teaching.