Holding Sacred Space with Fanny Priest (Enneagram 2)


In this week's episode I sit down with my good friend Fanny Priest to talk about her life, love, relationships, and the art of holding sacred space. Fanny is an Enneagram 2, so be sure to listen into the themes of her personality structure!

Here's more about Fanny:

Fanny Priest (she/her) is a queer, polyamorous, yoga therapist witch. She helps healers and empaths create safe space in the tender animal of their bodies, so they feel free to fully experience the whole, glorious ranger of their human emotions. She view self-care as a sacred responsibility, and as the source of sustainable dealership. She teaches weekly yin classes, workshops, and works privately with yoga therapy clients in South Austin. Check her out on instagram at @TheYogaOfDesire


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If you want to learn more about me or yoga, check out my yoga website here: www.abirobinsyoga.com.   And if you want to be the first to know what's up with me and when new episodes drop, sign up for my email list here: https://www.abirobinsyoga.com/email-signup

I just launched an Enneagram specific Instagram and Twitter, so be sure to connect with me on my new social medias!



Abi Robins